Watch the video, where Lise learns that not everything in the inbox must be forwarded when sharing information with others.
You can access the entire course on our e-learning platform by logging in here. If you do not have an account, you can try it for free.
About the course
When you come into contact with personal data in your work, you have a responsibility to handle this properly. Even if you did not ask for it.
In this course we zoom in on the handling of personal data that may be a bit outside of category. The ways in which all employees can be met with personal data, regardless of whether this a part of their job description or not. Here we discuss everything from unsolicited e-mails to running into other people's forgotten documents. We encourage awareness and responsibility from the moment you are met with it.

Other material
We have also made 3 posters for the course. They contain information about two-factor authentication and highlights from the course. The posters are free to download and you can hang them up in the office. Then your team will have a good reminder of what to be aware of to secure their accounts!
Go to Posters