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Upload your guidelines and ensure your employees read them on our platform

Anders Bryde Thornild
By: Anders Bryde Thornild Cyber Security | 17 October

You've created a set of cybersecurity guidelines for all your employees. You upload them to your systems and email everybody saying they should read them. But do you know if this happens? Often, these documents collect dust on the shelf, which doesn't make your company more secure. 

We just launched a new feature that allows you to upload your guidelines, and enroll your users in them so you can ensure everybody reads your guidelines. 

Make sure everybody knows what your rules are

You can have the best guidelines in the world. But if none of your employees read and understand them, it doesn't help anything.

That's why we've made it possible to upload your guidelines and other material to our platform. Then you can enroll your employees as if they were courses, and you can track if people actually read them.

What to upload and how it works

Here's a few documents that could make sense to upload.

Don't have any policies or guidelines? We have free templates to create them.

By having them on the platform you can make sure

  • Everybody reads the documents
  • All new employees automatically receive them
  • People re-read them every year (or what makes sense for you)

Watch the video below and see how it all works.

We hope you think it sounds as cool as we do.