Modulebibliotheek | CyberPilot

AI-powered Phishing

Geschreven door Tue Saltofte Lund | 14-okt-2024 13:32:18

Phishing emails are old news. Once upon a time, they could be easily spotted due to poor grammar and far-out scenarios.

But that's no longer the case. The cybercriminals behind phishing emails are constantly evolving their methods and have also embraced the new world of AI.

Generative AI can write, rewrite and translate the emails they write to make them as close to the real thing as possible. AI can also be made to automatically scan the web for details about an organization that can be exploited to make the phishing email fit in with everyday work life.

This course provides information about the latest developments in phishing, where we are seeing more and more targeted phishing against specific organizations and employees.
We encourage the reader to be more skeptical of unexpected emails and seek verification before clicking - better one time too many, than one too few.


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