Use Benchmarks to Evaluate Your Performance

You can compare your campaign results with all other customers on our platform.

What is campaign benchmark data?

Campaign benchmarks are the average results of all of CyberPilot's customers on a specific campaign. Basically, for each campaign, it’s the average link click rate (total number of links clicked divided by total number of emails sent) and data submit rate (total number of data submits divided by total number of emails sent).

Benchmarks in your phishing training 

You can now see campaign benchmarks in the CyberPilot App. In this guide, we’ll take you through how and when to use the benchmarks. 

You can see benchmarks in two places:

  1. In the phishing campaign catalogue
  2. In your campaign reports 

Benchmarks in the phishing catalogue

When browsing the phishing campaign catalogue, you can see the average stats for all customers here at CyberPilot. You can use this information to set a target for your organization when planning your next campaign.  

The benchmark data is under "How users score":

A screenshot of a computer

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Compare your performance to the benchmark in your reports 

To see benchmark data compared directly to your own performance, go to your phishing campaign reports. Here, you can see the benchmarks in the campaign statistics. 

 A screenshot of a graph

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The benchmark data is available for historic campaigns

If you have run a very custom campaign (campaigns that are built from scratch, so not a template that has been modified slightly), then there will not be any benchmark data, since you are the only one who has run this, but for all other campaigns (also historical ones) you can go to your campaign report and see how well you have done compared to others. 

How well are you doing? 

There's an old saying: "You don't need to outrun the bear, just your slowest friend." The point is of course that to be safe, you just need to be better than the next - you don't need to be faster than a bear. 
"You don’t need to be completely unphishable, just harder to phish than average" 

When you translate this into the realm of Cyber Security it's about being better than other organizations. The cold fact is that if your organization is better than the next, criminals will probably choose the next one.

How should you use the benchmarks?

Some ways you can use the benchmarks are:

  • To set performance targets for your organization
  • Evaluate how well you are doing compared with the average
  • Communicate to internal stakeholders the state of your phishing resilience in relation to others


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