How to create and edit reports

You can follow up on your employees’ awareness training progress by using ‘Reports’. CyberPilot has set up two standard reports for you; a report for documentation and a follow up report, containing all users


  • Get an overview of the Awareness training
  • Create report
  • Download report
  • Edit report


Create report

1. Click on the black Create button on the Reports overview page.

Create Reports 

2. Enter the report’s title in Report’s Title.

Report’s Title

3. Under Output Information, you can choose what information you want to include in the report. We recommend that you, as a minimum, include ‘Name’, ‘Surname’, and ‘Mail address’ to identify your employees.

Output Information

4. If you want to, you can include Rules in your report. Rules is a way of filtering on different factors but is not necessary to include and is therefore optional. If do wish to include this, choose the rule you want included. This can for instance be done with Groups.


5. With this example, you can add the rule “Belongs to branch” and then choose which branch you want to include in the report.

Belongs to branch

6. If you decide to not include rules after you already added them, simply click Remove.


7. Finally, Save your report and it will then be ready for download.




Download report

1. Click on Course enrollment & Reports on your admin homepage.

Course enrollment & Reports

2. You will arrive at an overview page. Here, click on Reports.

2. reports


3. Under ‘Reports’ you will see an overview of the reports available to you. Click on the specific report you wish to view.


4. In the Documentation report, you will see a list of the status of every course each employee is assigned to. This means that the report e.g. contains five rows of one employee if they are assigned five courses. This report can be used as documentation on your awareness training.


5. If you wish to, you can export the report into an Excel file. Click Export and choose Excel. The report will now be downloaded to your computer.



Edit report

1. If wish to alter an existing report to choose what specific output you want to see in your reports, you can do so by clicking Edit on the specific report’s overview page.


2. Here you will see the name of the report that you are currently editing. In Output Information you are able to see what output information that will be included in the report.


3. If you want different output information included in your report, you can change this by deleting or adding new information. For instance, you can include information regarding which Branch the user belongs to by entering Branch in Output Information.

Output Information

4. You can also include Rules in your report. Rules is a way of filtering on different factors, but it is not necessary to include, and is therefore optional. If you wish to include this, click Add rule and choose the rule you want to include.


5. With this example, you can add the rule “Belongs to group” and then choose which branch you want to include in the report.

Belongs to branch

6. If you want to remove a rule from the report, simply click Remove.


7. When you have chosen what information should be included in your report, click Save.


8. Once you have saved your choices, your report will be ready for download. Follow the steps from the Download report guide further up on this page.


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