Introduction To The Admin Account

With an admin account, you can manage your users, administer training, and access reports.


Important: If you want an admin to have access to the entire account, you must not assign the admin to a branch. Admins in branches only have access to that branch and any sub-branches. 

Introduction: User Roles

Users in the CyberPilot App can have the roles of "Admin" and "User."

  • A "User" can only view and complete courses assigned to them
  • An "Admin" can see and manage the entire account's users, training courses and campaigns, and reports. Admins can switch to the user view to see how the platform appears to their users and take courses themselves. 

You can alternate between the "Admin" and "User" view by clicking on "Go to User" or "Go to Admin" in the top right corner.

Admins within branches

If you assign a user with an “admin” role to a branch, they become a branch admin. This limits their access to data and users outside of that branch and its sub-branches. 

An admin in a branch can:  
  • Access and manage all users placed in their branch and its sub-branches 
  • Enroll courses and manage the awareness training for users within their branch and sub-branches 
  • Manage the phishing training for users within their branch and sub-branches 
  • See all phishing campaigns that the account has done, but they can only see phishing results for the users in their branch and any sub-branches. 
  • NOT access the “groups” feature 
The main reason to have an admin in a branch is to limit the user data different admins have.  

For example, you could have branches for different company locations, with admins within each branch, and an admin at the account level. The admin at the account level has access to all users and branches, while the branch admins can only access the users and data within their branch.  

You can read more about branches and groups here.  

Admins within groups

If you assign a user with an “admin” role to a group, this has no effect on what the admin can do.  

Functions available to Admins

As an admin, you have access to a list of administrative functions, such as the creation/deletion of users, course enrolment, and reports on your users’ training activity. 

You can  manage these functions using the panel on the left of your screen that looks like this:



The "Dashboard" is where you can get a quick overview of your awareness and phishing training progress.


Under "Trainings" you can click on:

  • "Awareness"
    • Clicking on "Courses" allows you to see all the courses available to your account and their details. You can click into a specific course and manage who is enrolled to it.
    • "Clicking on "Create new" allows you to upload your own course, which you can then enroll to your users. Read more about that here
    • Clicking on "Training Planner" allows you to see your past and future course enrollments, and edit your upcoming enrollments.
    • You can read more about enrolling and scheduling courses here.
  • "Phishing" - here you can see all of your past and upcoming phishing campaigns. You can click into a specific campaign to see detailed reporting.
  • "Reports"  
    • Clicking on "Summary" gives you combined reporting for awareness training and phishing training by user.
    • Clicking on "Awareness" gives you an overview of awareness training course completions by user.


  • "Resources"
    • Here you can download our free IT security policy templates and best practice guides.
  • "Custom materials"


Under "Settings" you can click on: