We want to support you in having all your learning material on IT security, GDPR and compliance in one place on our platform if you wish.
That's why we offer to host files on these topics as a free service.
If you have complete e-learning files, you can upload them yourself. See how to do that here: Add your own courses (SCORM) to the platform.
If you have content in other formats, we can also help you upload it. That way you can get all your training done on CyberPilot's platform.
Simply send the content to us (you can contact Tue Saltofte Lund at tsl@cyberpilot.dk) and we'll get it set up and made available to your employees.
This service is in a beta stage, and it could change in the future.
How it works
We can take different files and combine them into one e-learning file. Send the files to us and explain the order in which they should be put together.
We can accept the following:
Text/Slides: We accept PowerPoint files or PDFs.
Video: We can use most common video formats. For example, Mp4 is good.
Quizzes: Fill out this Word template. That'll make sure all the necessary information is included.
Please also send us any image and description you want to be displayed with the course when users encounter it on the platform.
We don't edit/add to the content, so send it to us exactly as you want it.
Need something else?
If you need to discuss material that falls outside of these standards or would like us to help you create entirely new content, feel free to book a meeting with our digital learning specialist via our meeting calendar to discuss the possibilities.