This API will return a summary of awareness and phishing training for all users in your account.
Method: GET
Parameter |
Type |
Default Value |
Description |
Example |
Authorization |
Header |
The value of this header must be your Access Token prefix with “bearer “. |
Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1N |
account-id |
Path |
The ID of your account. You can find this in the API section of your Account settings on the platform |
c36a9951-a630-4f5a-b874-160d4fe00d6f |
take |
Query |
20 |
How many users to return summary for. |
skip |
Query |
0 |
How many users to skip (offset). Take and skip combined can be used as pagination. |
Important: The API will return more properties than specified below, but these properties are not actively supported and should not be relied upon. They may be removed in the future.
count: int // How many users exists in the account
fetched: int // How many users was fetched in this request. (See the “take” query parameter)
result: array [ // The summary report for each user
enrolledCourses: int // How many courses the user is enrolled into
notCompletedCourses: int // How many enrolled courses the user hasn’t completed
overdueCourses: int // Overdue or incomplete courses or materials
enrolledMaterials: int // How many materials the user is enrolled into
notCompletedMaterials: int // How many enrolled materials the user hasn’t completed
phishingCampaigns: int // Active phishing campaigns the user is a part of
emailsSent: int // How many phishing campaigns the user has been a part of
linksClicked: int // The number of phishing campaigns where the user clicked a link
dataSubmitted: int // The number of phishing campaigns where the user submitted data
lastAction: int // The latest action the user performed, ie. “Email sent”, “Clicked link”, etc.
averageScore: int // The average score of the users awareness training
user: object { // Information about the user
id: string
email: string
created: datetime
name: string
firstName: string
lastName: string
meta: object {
companyName: string
manager: string
managerEmail: string
department: string
country: string
branch: object { // Information of a branch the user might be part of.
id: string
name: string
groups: array [ // Information of groups the user might be part of
id: string
name: string
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