This will give you a high level overview of the phishing training for your account. You'll be able to see, e.g., the number of emails sent, links clicked, data submitted, and emails reported across all campaigns.
Method: GET
Parameter |
Type |
Default Value |
Description |
Example |
Authorization |
Header |
The value of this header must be your Access Token prefix with “bearer “. |
Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1N |
account-id |
Path |
The ID of your account. You can find this in the API section of your Account settings on the platform |
c36a9951-a630-4f5a-b874-160d4fe00d6f |
Important: The API will return more properties than specified below, but these properties are not actively supported and should not be relied upon. They may be removed in the future.
emailsSent: int // Number of total emails sent for all phishing campaigns
clickedLinks: int // How many users clicked a link across all phishing campaign
submittedData: int // How many users submitted data across all phishing campaigns
emailsReported: int // How many users reported an email as phishing across all phishing campaigns
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