API: List All Phishing Training Campaigns

This API will return detailed information on all phishing training campaigns for your account, including campaign names, statuses, launch dates, and summary results.


URL: https://api.app.cyberpilot.io/gophish/campaigns 
Method: GET 



Default Value 






The value of this header must be your Access Token prefix with “bearer “. 

Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1N 




How many campaigns to return. 




How many campaigns to skip (offset). Take and skip combined can be used as pagination. 




Important: The API will return more properties than specified below, but these properties are not actively supported and should not be relied upon! They may be removed in the future.


  count: int // How many campaigns exists in the account 
  fetched: int // How many campaigns was fetched in this request. (See the “take” query parameter) 
  result: array [ // Details for each campaign 
      id: string 
      name: string 
      created: datetime 
      updated: datetime 
      createdBy: object { // Information about the user who created the campaign 
        id: string 
        email: string 
        created: datetime 
        name: string 
        firstName: string 
        lastName: string 
        branch: object { // Information of a branch the user might be part of. 
          id: string 
          name: string 
        groups: array [ // Information of groups the user might be part of 
            id: string 
            name: string 
      launchDate: datetime // The date and time the campaign was sent out 
      completedDate: datetime // The date and time the campaign was considered complete 
      status: string // Either “draft”, “active” or “completed” 
      summary: object { // The results for the campaign 
        total: int // Number of users in the campaign 
        emailsSent: int // How many emails was sent 
        clickedLinks: int // How many users clicked a link in the e-mail 
        submittedData: int // How many users submitted data 
        emailsReported: int // How many users reported the email as phishing 




Got a question?

Contact us at support@cyberpilot.io