This API will return detailed information on all phishing training campaigns for your account, including campaign names, statuses, launch dates, and summary results.
Method: GET
Parameter |
Type |
Default Value |
Description |
Example |
Authorization |
Header |
The value of this header must be your Access Token prefix with “bearer “. |
Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1N |
take |
Query |
20 |
How many campaigns to return. |
skip |
Query |
0 |
How many campaigns to skip (offset). Take and skip combined can be used as pagination. |
Important: The API will return more properties than specified below, but these properties are not actively supported and should not be relied upon! They may be removed in the future.
count: int // How many campaigns exists in the account
fetched: int // How many campaigns was fetched in this request. (See the “take” query parameter)
result: array [ // Details for each campaign
id: string
name: string
created: datetime
updated: datetime
createdBy: object { // Information about the user who created the campaign
id: string
email: string
created: datetime
name: string
firstName: string
lastName: string
branch: object { // Information of a branch the user might be part of.
id: string
name: string
groups: array [ // Information of groups the user might be part of
id: string
name: string
launchDate: datetime // The date and time the campaign was sent out
completedDate: datetime // The date and time the campaign was considered complete
status: string // Either “draft”, “active” or “completed”
summary: object { // The results for the campaign
total: int // Number of users in the campaign
emailsSent: int // How many emails was sent
clickedLinks: int // How many users clicked a link in the e-mail
submittedData: int // How many users submitted data
emailsReported: int // How many users reported the email as phishing
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